What We Do

Precise Water Conservation solutions to client budgetary constraints.

Analyze existing irrigation systems, creating revenue positive, water efficient solutions while maximizing landscape appearance.

Value engineer equipment renovations and management improvements.

Monitor results.

We institute water management by assessing water consumption, analyzing… etc.
We utilize cutting edge irrigation equipment that fit clients’ projects and needs.


Bill Kabaker has been involved in landscape and water management for over forty years. As irrigation engineer for Forest Lawn, Bill was responsible for the first CIMIS weather station (California Irrigation Management Information System) in Los Angeles County, #73.
Recently, Bill managed the LA Metro Orange Line controller conversion project. Converting some forty irrigation controllers to weather based controllers equipped with flow sensors and master valves, resulted in water consumption reduction of 37 million gallons within eight months. The project was revenue positive within eight months.
Bill obtained his Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor, CLIA certification over twenty years ago. He has certified over thirty landscape projects. Bill has been involved in configuring the most recent California Model Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance (MWELO). Certifications analyze water use calculations for Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) and the Estimated Total Water Use (ETWU).

How We Do It

Precise Water Conservation fits landscape water conservation solutions to client budgetary constraints.

Precise Water conservation crafts water management solutions depending on each site’s unique economic and landscape factors.
Bill has been involved in configuring the most recent California Model Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance (MWELO). Certifications analyze water use calculations for Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) and the Estimated Total Water Use (ETWU).

Irrigation schedules are configured based on site specific factors,plant requirements, and client’s expectations.
Successful irrigation, hence attractive landscape is almost equal parts art as well as science. Precise considers all factors; tangible and attempts to incorporate intangible factors in order to maximize landscape appearance while minimizing excess costs.

Value engineer options for clients based on three year payback of capital items.
Precise Landscape evaluates the site for irrigation efficiency, climate, slope variations, and plant materials. We analyze irrigation water costs to determine the proper payback for clients. Precise fits solutions to budgetary constraints. Our implementation is followed up with ongoing onsite visits. We utilize online communication avenues in addition to site inspections.

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